Level 11, 456 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne,
Victoria 3000
45 Gheringhap Street, Geelong,
Victoria 3220
62 Kepler Street, Warrnambool,
Victoria 3280
Feb 17, 2020

Video – Have You Been Arrested?

Hes Thinking About Making Some Change To His Life after being arrested.

In this short video, our partner Lauren outlines some of the help and support services available for women who find themselves arrested.

If you prefer to read the transcript please see below:

“If you’re a woman that’s just been arrested or you find yourself in custody, the main thing is to draw upon certain external services, especially for mothers. Often we have clients that are still breastfeeding or they’ve got an infant or young children that obviously are suffering from separation issues being away from mom.

There’s actually an organization out there called SHINE for Kids and they provide transportation of children to the prison so you can actually see your children on a regular basis so you can breastfeed your child if you need to or play with your child. I know that Dame Phyllis Frost Center here in Melbourne has a playground and a lovely child care area for you to play with your children and of course, no one wants to be in jail with your kids but it’s very important that you maintain that bond with your children so you can get by in custody until your case is finished and you’re out back in the community so please make the most of your time with your family and your children and utilize those resources.

Dame Phyllis also has a number of support programs, some counselling, there are activities, there’s gardening, there’s cooking in the kitchen, but things that keep your mind busy, active. Take advantage of the courses in there. They’re not only going to help your wellbeing but they help with your case in the long run as well ’cause they’re all important matters that we could put to the court to ensure that you get the most lenient sentence.”

If you’re a woman or mother and find yourself in difficulties with the law please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at Gallant Law.

As always, if you are seeking legal advice regarding a criminal matter, Gallant Law can assist you through this difficult time on 03 8374 7657.
